Different folks, different strokes. Different ages, different problem stages. 🙂 Here’s a look at how women spend on to keep their beauty.
Source: WomensPersonalFinance.net
For the fitter, prettier you
by Ella 33 Comments
Different folks, different strokes. Different ages, different problem stages. 🙂 Here’s a look at how women spend on to keep their beauty.
Source: WomensPersonalFinance.net
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Great information. Thanks for the info.
No truer and more inspirational words were ever spoken,thank you for this wisdom.
Thanks for this informative post! Billions of dollars…..
Society is so hell bent on perfection, which leaves women so insecure if they are even 5 lbs overwgt or have a few imperfections. It is ridiculous. We are who we are!
Just think if all this money was saved for emergencies and retirement instead! I would like to get a liposuction!
this is very interesting–who would think about this –maybe women
Yes, the “price of beauty” is quite high, and thousands of people (both men and women) pay that price every day.
I am really surprised that a boob job is not the number one procedure. I used to want to have my boobs bigger, but then I got pregnant and they grew and grew and grew! Now that I am done nursing I thought they would go back to a perky 34 B. nope they stayed a 36D and I find them a nuisance… I sure am glad I didn’t pay money for them.
I would have thought some of the percentages would have been higher. I am kinda low maintenance, but only because I don’t have the money. It seems like everywhere you look today some woman has done something to her body or has alot of products to be well maintained.
I will definitely bring my new coach bag to work where I can make my office mates and friends jealous about.
It is pricey to be a woman!
So true! I had to stop and take a look at my beauty spending. It was out of control!! This is awesome how it is broken down. This is me to the Tee.
I guess I’m odd. I rarely wear makeup and try to keep it simple. My husband’s lucky I guess.
I love feeling beautiful and I believe if you can achieve this feeling then you will glow from the inside out.I love make up and beauty products but don’t go over-board because I also love natural beauty and try to stick to the basics, just to enhance what I already have.I like to say”shake what your momma gave you girl”.
Well speaking as someone over 50, I spend most of my Beauty Dollars towards looking Prettier and Younger. Thanks for the info!
Wow i knew the numbers were big, but not this big! Guess its time to start thinking about a career in this field!
I guess I’m one of those women who are just contented on how they look. 🙂 Enough sleep and a positive attitude would make you feel beautiful. 🙂
I can see that women spend this much on beauty because we are expected to look are best.
nice analysis
Oohh.. liposuction. Yikes! I guess women ate just more concerned with their own appearances. I haven’t been too bothered. Good thing my husband doesn’t like much makeup!
This are powerful images and sobering content.
this is awesome for some adult women who wants to be younger looking skin.
i wish i could spend that amount a year i am lucky to get a hair cut a year…..but this yr im getting surgery mostly for health….
The cost of beauty is insane!
How crazy is that? And I wonder how many of those who spend all this money can really afford it…
I am surprised that hair care is so high…I’d have thought if women really wanted to stay young and beautiful sun protection would be on top!
Wow, this really puts things in perspective, I cant believe how much women spend on makeup a month..ouch! But I cant seem to live without it!
Great information! Thank you!
Great information. Thanks for the info.
Thanks for the info its true a lot of women spend too much on makeup, skincare, and hairproducts.
I used to wear makeup and look pretty all the time, but now I’m just plain. If I had more money and less stress I would return to it!
Women are charged too much for beauty products. As soon as one new thing comes out, there’s a new and improved version somewhere else.