Lemon for Natural Skin Care and Beauty Treatment
It is quite frustrating that for my age (I’m turning 37 soon), I developed skin problems when it wasn’t a worry I had when I was a teenager. And I have had used a number of products to make things better. Despite the abundance of cosmetic and skincare products in the market which promised desirable effects to your skin, you can never be too sure. Some of these may be ineffective. More disturbingly, some products out there did not undergo proper laboratory testing, so they can be very harmful to you. These products can also be too costly, so you just can’t afford to spend on something you can never be sure to be effective. Good thing there are skincare products easily available at home which are surely cheap, safe and organic. Try for example the wonders of lemon.
Unleash the natural glow of your skin using lemons. Lemons have natural antioxidants that effectively remove dirt and dead skin cells that clog pores and causes breakout. Having natural acids, lemons are also good antiseptic and antibacterial materials that help keep your skin healthy and bacteria-free. Here are some simple procedures that could make your skin light and smooth the natural way.
Lighten Complexion
Achieve that desired light complexion using a homemade mixture of lemon juice, aloe and honey. Apply this generously to your face, hands and other parts of your body. For best results, do this treatment regularly for a week or two.

Lemon for Natural Skin Care
Get rid of those dark spots Blemishes on your skin
Squeeze some lemon and put the juice in a container or spray bottle. Dilute it with an equal amount of water. If available, you may also add aloe and honey to serve as moisturizers for your skin. Apply this generously on the dark spots you want the get rid of. Leave it for minute, then rinse it off.
Clear Acne
Lemon is also a natural treatment for acne. It effectively removes face scars and blemishes left by pimples, and blackheads. Just squeeze a good amount of lemon juice in a bowl and use it as your astringent. Dip a cotton bowl in the juice and apply it evenly in your face. Leave it dry overnight. Rinse it when you wake up in the morning.
i did not know that lemon juice can remove dark spots, well i learned an important beauty tip again, i’ll try using it from now on, less expensive and all natural 🙂
I really believe lemon is a nice natural substance for skincare. I’ve been suffering on and off from acne and I still have the monthly breakout, but I control it with a lemon soap and it had worked wonders for my skin! 🙂 So I’ll definitely the lemon juice, aloe and honey solution next! ^^
i have always known lemon juices is a useful treatment for aging skin..
i have always known lemon juices is a good treatment for aging skin
same din ito ng calamansi right.. pero mas mabisa lang ang lemon…
Lemon are also anti oxidants right?
well lemon is not available here, I guest calamasi will do wonders also, though lemon is bigger than calamansi
lemon juice for dark spot…pwede..parang kalamnsi lang din..