What benefit does right food, good sleep, and exercise really do for us? Let's find out.

Vanessa Paradis for H&M

Vanessa Paradis will be the face of this year's H&M Conscious Collection set to be out in Spring. The eco-friendly line of the fashion giant, which was a hit last year, promoted clothing made from environmentally sustainable materials like organic cotton and recycled polyester. 'I like being part of something like the Conscious collection at H&M. I try my best to shop consciously, and vintage is very much part of my wardrobe. I love the style and it works in an eco-friendly way because I like to use and reuse old clothes.' The French actress was quoted saying. Last year, we saw Michelle Williams in a gown from the line for the BAFTA Awards (February, I think) while Les Miserables ...

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Golden Globes 2013 – Best Dressed

Hollywood celebrities graced the red carpet once again for the 70th Golden Globe Awards, this year held  at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills, California. Nominees, presenters, guests, we are once again shown the diverse style of our favorite and not so favorite actors and actresses. See below which among the famous faces don the best that night. Anne Hathaway donned her pixie cut hair, very subtle jewellery along with a Chanel bride-white gown. The two-piece, glittering with crystals has a top flared daintily down the waist and perfectly fits her petite frame. She of course finishes the look off with her camera-perfect smile. Hathaway won as Best Supporting Actress for Les ...

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2013 Trends for Fashionable Outfit Statements

It is the start of the year and the perfect time to freshen up your wardrobe. So get ready to rid of the old and get in with the new with the latest fashion trends for 2013. Here are some outfits that one can add to their closet collections for this year. Go green. The fashion world has its own green revolution this year as fashion experts chose emerald green to be the color of the year. Other shades of green like moss, mint, olive, lime and even alien green also fall within the trend. Pair them up with red accessories for a fashionable contrast. Denim is “in”. Say goodbye to your peplum skirts and dresses that were trendy last year and make way for denim dresses. Denims are classic and ...

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The Future of Meat

It is the type of headline people might have laughed at in the past, but now it doesn’t seem so impossible. The United Nations announced the technology to grow synthetic meat will be available within the next half-century. This will eventually mean meat can be grown and eaten without harming animals or destroying livestock in the process. Wait a minute. Relax. No one’s going to make you turn into Charlton Heston, holding onto meat and saying “You’ll pry this from my cold, dead hands.” This is not an anti-meat crusade. What is being discussed is just the technology to grow and process meat that tastes like the real thing without coming from a ranch. This has been discussed for a ...

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Problems Associated With Big Breasts And When To Consider Female Breast Reduction

Although most magazines, television shows and other forms of social entertainment portray big breasts as being great assets, they fail to mention and point out the problems associated with them. This means that most women with low self-esteem due to their small breasts become more and more interested in breast augmentation. There are thus an increased number of women with double D's. Big breasts are associated with a couple of health problems some which may necessitate the consideration of female breast reduction . The major health problem associated with big and heavy breasts is the pain associated with them. The pain does not seem to fade even if one uses a well-fitting and supportive ...

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HIIT – Do it Anywhere Workout

Higher, faster, better, stronger… I guess man will always want to push himself to the limit and try things which will enhance his physique. Whether it’s human nature or just me, I know for a fact that after having accomplished one thing, I always want to step up and dip my fingers into the next better thing. Awhile back, I dabbled in Interval Training, and loved every bit of it. That's like jogging for 2 minutes then walking the next. I seemed to thrive on those short workouts, and was keeping me fit which delighted me like a kid in a toy store. The fact that these exercises paid off has motivated me to go a step up in the fitness ladder and try out the next higher level- High Intensity ...

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How do Kidneys Function?

Every internal organ is extremely important that requires a person to take care of them by following some doctor’s advice, medications, having a healthy diet and regular exercise. Among these organs, kidneys play a crucial role in making sure that the blood circulating around the body is free from any bad bacteria, waste products and other harmful substances. On a daily basis, about 20 percent of the blood passes through the kidneys to clean it purposely. And there are 2 quarts of waste products that are being sifted from the blood prior it is allowed to return to usual circulation. Some people tend to neglect to take good care of their kidneys because they are not fully educated about the ...

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Why Smokers Switch to Ecigarette

Smoking tobacco has always been a major source of health complications in both men and women before the introduction of the ecigarette. According to health studies, tobacco smokers are normally under a great risk of getting lung and heart disorders due to the harmful soot created by the tobacco when puffed. Things become even worse when non-smokers are also affected by the smoke released by active smokers in what is normally known as passive smoking. This has led to the rise of ecigarettes which are considered to be the safest way of smoking. A recent study carried out by health experts also reveal that many smokers are now switching to ecigarettes due to their numerous benefits.There are ...

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Selector pins – The parts that provide convenience of adjusting the height and length

Selector pins are also known as weight stack pins. They are used to adjust the weight of a particular application and to adjust the length and height of the application. They can be used in various applications. They can be used in various applications like weight machine, selectorized machine, exercise machine, various fitness equipment etc. But they are most widely used in fitness machines and equipment. There are various types of such pins are available in the market. The different types of pins are designed to be used in different types of purposes and with different types of applications. The usage and replacement mechanism of these pins are extremely easy. Detailed specification of ...

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Is Exercise advisable for Cancer Patients?

  Today, more than 11 million people living in the US have cancer. The common doctor's advice for cancer patients has for a long time been, ''Take it easy.'' For a long time, doctors assumed that exercise was likely to lead to negative health effects for cancer patients. However, a recent survey conducted by the Macmillan Cancer Support Center has found overwhelming evidence that suggests just the opposite. Researchers carried out the survey, done in a series of 60 studies involving more than 400 health professionals, to look into the effects of exercise on cancer patients. The study shed light on some important benefits of exercise for cancer patients. For starters, the survey ...

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Clean, Swing, and Snatch – Lifting Kettlebells for Better Fitness

-- It might not look much but these cannonball-like exercise implements are much more effective than any other complicated machines around today. Kettlebells have a lot of benefits to offer you in terms of fitness. Experts in Sports Medicine and Fitness all agree that kettlebells work your muscles and joints in a more harmonious way than other fitness machines. Although this metal ball is used by bodybuilders, even regular people can reap the benefits of a good kettlebell workout. Many have, in fact, shared stories about how they were able to lose weight and tone their muscles successfully with just a few minutes with their kettlebells every day. Core Strengthening. Because the kettlebells ...

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Browse, Buy and Enjoy the Ease of Online Shopping

Modern technology has brought comfort and convenience in so many aspects of daily life today. These innovations cover needs for household, business, education, entertainment, leisure, and of course shopping. Women and young teens who love to shop need not leave their homes to find the best deals in town. The ease of online shopping allows them to browse, buy and enjoy one of their favorite pastimes with just a few clicks of the mouse. Here are some of the practical reasons why people prefer online shopping over conventional shopping methods. People shop online mostly because they don’t have time to go to the stores or visit the mall. Online shop facilities give consumers access to goods ...

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Five Ways to Quit Smoking

  Smoking is one of those habits that many people find hard to give up, even if they know about the health risks involved in lighting up. However, if you’re looking to quit smoking, there are ways in which you can do it without having to struggle. Here are five great ways to do to finally say goodbye to cigarettes and all the health problems that come with them: Take up a hobby – if you smoke regularly and do it socially, you could always try and find something else to fill your time instead - such as a hobby. Knitting, reading, writing or even sports could replace smoking. Chew gum instead – if you miss the sensation of having something in your mouth, you could always chew gum, and ...

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